home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- * MBUSER.C - 6/28/92
- */
- #include "mb.h"
- #define uf_inc 100 /* Headroom in user file */
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- extern short debug;
- extern char tmpstr[];
- #endif
- char *usfile, *usbfile;
- USER_HDR *ufhs;
- USER *tuser;
- char *um[num_um];
- char tcall[ln_call];
- short maxusers;
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- static char *users;
- #endif
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- int ufl;
- #else
- int ufl = -1;
- int uifl = -1;
- char *user_file = "T:mbuser.index";
- #endif
- /*
- * Clean the user file.
- * Force drain of buffers, update of directory items.
- */
- clnuser()
- {
- close(ufl);
- ufl = open(usfile, O_RDWR | O_BINARY);
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- close(uifl);
- uifl = open(user_file,O_RDWR | O_BINARY);
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * Close the user file.
- */
- clsusr()
- {
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- if(ufl >= 0)
- #endif
- close (ufl);
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- ufl = -1;
- if(uifl >= 0)
- close(uifl);
- uifl = -1;
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * Open the user file.
- * Allocate space for the user file records.
- */
- opnusr()
- {
- ufhs = (USER_HDR *) malloc(sizeof(USER_HDR));
- tuser = (USER *) malloc(sizeof(USER));
- tuser->rn = 0;
- /*
- * Open the file. If it does not exist, make one.
- */
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- lock_user();
- #endif
- ufl = open(usfile, O_RDWR | O_BINARY);
- if (ufl < 0)
- {
- ufl = open(usfile, O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_BINARY, pmode);
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- if (ufl < 0) { nofile(usfile); exit(1); }
- #else
- if(ufl < 0) {
- nofile(usfile);
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- unlock_user();
- #endif
- done(1);
- }
- #endif
- inuhdr();
- write_rec(ufl, 0, (char *)ufhs);
- }
- /*
- * Read the user calls.
- */
- read_rec(ufl, 0, (char *)ufhs);
- if (ufhs->version isnt us_version)
- {
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- printf("Expected version %d, got version %d\n", us_version, ufhs->version);
- #else
- sprintf(tmpstr,"Expected version %d, got version %d\n",
- us_version,ufhs->version);
- ttputs(tmpstr);
- #endif
- nofile(usfile);
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- exit(1);
- #else
- set_user((long)ufhs->count);
- unlock_user();
- done(1);
- #endif
- }
- maxusers = ufhs->count + uf_inc;
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- /* size_t and numeric arg to errall*/
- #endif
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- users = (char *) malloc((size_t)ln_call * maxusers);
- if (users is NULL) errall(2);
- #endif
- rdusers();
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- unlock_user();
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * Open the user file and read record zero
- */
- readusr()
- {
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- short prev_cnt;
- prev_cnt = ufhs->count;
- ufl = open(usfile, O_RDWR | O_BINARY);
- read_rec (ufl, 0, (char*)ufhs);
- if (ufhs->count isnt prev_cnt) rdusers();
- #else
- lock_user();
- ufl = open(usfile, O_RDWR | O_BINARY);
- read_rec (ufl, 0, (char*)ufhs);
- rdusers();
- unlock_user();
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * Read each user record, build list of calls.
- */
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- char first_time = 1;
- #endif
- rdusers()
- {
- register int i;
- register char *up;
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- printf("%d users in %s\n", ufhs->count, usfile);
- for (i = 1, up = users; i <= ufhs->count; i++, up += ln_call)
- {
- read_rec(ufl, i, (char *)tuser);
- strncpy(up, tuser->call, ln_call);
- }
- #else
- if(first_time) {
- first_time = 0;
- sprintf(tmpstr,"%d users in %s\n", ufhs->count, usfile);
- ttputs(tmpstr);
- }
- /* If the index file exists, then just open it
- otherwise create it from the user.dat file
- */
- if((uifl = open(user_file,O_RDWR | O_BINARY)) >= 0)return;
- uifl = open(user_file,O_RDWR | O_BINARY | O_CREAT);
- for(i = 1; i <= ufhs->count; i++) {
- read_rec(ufl, i, (char *)tuser);
- write(uifl, tuser->call,ln_call);
- }
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * initialize the user file header.
- */
- inuhdr()
- {
- curtim();
- ufhs->count = 0;
- ufhs->version = us_version;
- strncpy(ufhs->date, l_date, ln_date);
- strncpy(ufhs->time, l_time, ln_time);
- ufhs->lmnr = mfhs->next_msg - 1;
- fill (ufhs->unu, '\0', ufhsunu);
- }
- /*
- * Do we know this user?
- */
- finduser(call)
- char *call;
- {
- register int i;
- register char *up;
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- for (i = 1, up = users; i <= ufhs->count; i++, up += ln_call)
- if (matchn(call, up, ln_call)) return i;
- #else
- check_user();
- unlock_user();
- lseek(uifl,0L,0);
- for(i = 1; i <= ufhs->count; i++) {
- read(uifl,tmpstr,(size_t)ln_call);
- if(matchn(call, tmpstr, ln_call)) return i;
- }
- #endif
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Read in a user record.
- */
- rduser(call, buf)
- char *call;
- USER *buf;
- {
- register int i;
- if (i = finduser(call))
- {
- read_rec(ufl, i, (char *)buf);
- buf->rn = i;
- return i;
- }
- /*
- * There wasn't one, make one.
- */
- curtim();
- buf->rn = 0; /* Mark as non current record */
- strncpy(buf->call, call, ln_call);
- strncpy(buf->date, l_date, ln_date);
- strncpy(buf->time, l_time, ln_time);
- buf->msg_number = 0;
- buf->ssid = 0;
- buf->state = 0;
- buf->options = 0;
- buf->log_count = 0;
- buf->port = ' ';
- ljsf(buf->handle, um[0], ln_handle);
- fill(buf->path, ' ', pathl);
- *buf->path = '\0';
- fill(buf->home_bbs, ' ', ln_call);
- fill(buf->zip, ' ', ln_zip);
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- fill(buf->qth, ' ',ln_qth);
- #endif
- fill(buf->unu, 0, userunu);
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Update the user record to the file.
- */
- upduser(buf)
- USER *buf;
- {
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- check_user();
- #endif
- if (s_flag & s_dv) begin_lock();
- read_rec(ufl, 0, (char*)ufhs);
- if (!buf->rn)
- {
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- if (ufhs->count >= maxusers)
- {
- if (s_flag & s_dv) end_lock();
- return;
- }
- strncpy (users + (ln_call * ufhs->count), buf->call, ln_call);
- #endif
- buf->rn = ++ufhs->count;
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- lseek(uifl,0L,2);
- write(uifl,buf->call,ln_call);
- set_user((long)buf->rn);
- #endif
- }
- curtim();
- strncpy(buf->date, l_date, ln_date);
- strncpy(buf->time, l_time, ln_time);
- if (s_flag & s_update)
- {
- buf->msg_number = mfhs->next_msg;
- s_flag clrbit s_update;
- }
- buf->log_count++;
- write_rec(ufl, buf->rn, (char *)buf);
- write_rec(ufl, 0, (char *)ufhs);
- if (s_flag & s_dv) end_lock();
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- unlock_user();
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * Print the address of BBS in STATES.MB
- */
- pstates()
- {
- FILE *hier;
- char hiercall[ln_call];
- port->msg = mfind;
- if ((hier = fopen( stfile, "r")) is NULL) return;
- while (fgets(tmp->scr, linelen, hier) isnt NULL)
- {
- pcall(hiercall, tmp->scr);
- if (wcm(hiercall, tcall))
- {
- outstr("BBS Address -> ");
- outstr(tmp->scr);
- outchar('\n');
- port->msg = NULL;
- break;
- }
- }
- fclose(hier);
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Print info about a user.
- */
- puser()
- {
- register int i;
- register PORTS *p;
- pcall(tcall, port->fld[1]);
- if (!(i = finduser(tcall))) { pstates(); return; }
- read_rec(ufl, i, (char *)tuser);
- if ((p = findport(tuser->port)) is NULL)
- sprintf( tmp->scr, "Port %c\n", tuser->port);
- else
- sprintf(tmp->scr, "%s\n", p->name);
- if(tuser->port isnt 'Z')
- {
- outnb(tuser->call, ln_call);
- outstr(" connected on ");
- outstr(tmp->scr);
- }
- outnb(tuser->call, ln_call);
- if (tuser->port is 'Z')
- {
- outstr(" Linked to "); outnb(cport->user->call, ln_call);
- outstr(" Through the GateWay at "); outstr(tuser->path);
- }
- else if (!*tuser->path)
- {
- outstr(" is a direct connect from "); outnb(cport->user->call, ln_call);
- }
- else
- {
- outstr(" connected to "); outnb(cport->user->call, ln_call);
- outstr(" via "); outstr(tuser->path);
- }
- outchar('\n');
- outnb(tuser->call, ln_call);
- sprintf(tmp->scr, " Last connected on %6.6s at %4.4s\n",
- tuser->date, tuser->time);
- outstr(tmp->scr);
- outstr("Name - ");
- outnb(tuser->handle, ln_handle);
- if (tuser->state & u_home)
- {
- outstr(", Mail bbs - ");
- outnb(tuser->home_bbs, ln_call);
- }
- if (tuser->state & u_qth)
- {
- sprintf(tmp->scr, ", QTH - %s", tuser->qth);
- outstr(tmp->scr);
- }
- if (tuser->state & u_zip)
- {
- outstr(", Zip - ");
- outnb(tuser->zip, ln_zip);
- }
- outchar('\n');
- }
- /*
- * Print a user record.
- */
- prtuser(p)
- USER *p;
- {
- fill(port->cmd, ' ', 7);
- if (p->options & u_local) port->cmd[0] = 'L';
- if (p->options & u_bbs) port->cmd[1] = 'B';
- if (p->options & u_expert) port->cmd[2] = 'E';
- if (p->options & u_delete) port->cmd[3] = 'D';
- if (p->options & u_sysop) port->cmd[4] = 'S';
- if (p->options & u_exclude) port->cmd[5] = 'X';
- if (p->options & u_hold) port->cmd[6] = 'H';
- sprintf(tmp->scr,
- "%6.6s %6.6s %4.4s %4d %5u %6.6s %2.2d%c%7.7s %-12.12s %6.6s\n%-20.20sPath: %s\n",
- p->call, p->date, p->time, p->log_count,
- p->msg_number, p->home_bbs, p->ssid,
- p->port, port->cmd, p->handle, p->zip, p->qth, p->path);
- outstr(tmp->scr);
- }
- /*
- * The "display users" command.
- */
- duser()
- {
- register int i;
- register short ok;
- if (port->flds is 1) pgst(um[2]); else
- {
- if ((port->fl = fopen(port->fld[1], "r")) isnt NULL)
- { fclose(port->fl); port->msg = mexst; return; }
- if ((port->fl = fopen(port->fld[1], "w")) is NULL)
- { port->msg = mcant; return; }
- }
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- check_user();
- unlock_user();
- #endif
- for (i = ufhs->count; i; i--)
- {
- read_rec(ufl, i, (char *)tuser);
- ok = false;
- switch(port->opt2)
- {
- case 'L' : ok = (tuser->options & u_local); break;
- case 'M' : ok = (tuser->options & u_bbs); break;
- case 'S' : ok = (tuser->options & u_sysop); break;
- case 'U' : ok = true; break;
- case 'X' : ok = (tuser->options & u_exclude); break;
- }
- if (ok)
- {
- if (port->flds is 1)
- {
- pghd();
- prtuser(tuser);
- if (pgck() is 'Q') return;
- if (pgck() is 'Q') return;
- }
- else
- {
- prtuser(tuser);
- fprintf(port->fl, "%s", tmp->scr);
- }
- }
- }
- if (port->flds is 1) pgdn(); else fclose(port->fl);
- }
- /*
- * The N, NE, NH, NQ, NZ (update my user info) commands.
- */
- chguser()
- {
- port->msg = mdone;
- switch(port->opt2)
- {
- case ' ' : ljsf(port->user->handle, port->line + 2, ln_handle);
- port->user->state setbit u_name;
- break;
- case 'E' : port->user->options flipbit u_expert;
- break;
- case 'H' : if (!iscall(port->fld[1]))
- {
- port->msg = mwhat;
- break;
- }
- if (matchn(port->user->call, port->fld[1], strlen(port->fld[1])))
- {
- port->msg = um[8];
- break;
- }
- pcall(port->user->home_bbs, port->fld[1]);
- if (matchn(port->user->home_bbs, cport->user->call, ln_call))
- port->user->options setbit u_local;
- else port->user->options clrbit u_local;
- port->user->state setbit u_home;
- port->user->state clrbit u_sent;
- break;
- case 'P' : port->user->state flipbit u_pause;
- if (port->user->state & u_pause) outstr("pause off ");
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- else outstr("on ");
- #else
- else outstr("pause on ");
- #endif
- break;
- case 'Q' : remnl(port->line);
- strncpy(port->user->qth, port->line+3, ln_qth);
- port->user->state setbit u_qth;
- break;
- case 'Z' : ljsf(port->user->zip, port->fld[1], ln_zip);
- port->user->state setbit u_zip;
- port->user->state clrbit u_sent;
- break;
- }
- }
- /*
- * EU command with no argument.
- * Loop through all users, ask delete for each one.
- */
- edusera()
- {
- register word i;
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- check_user();
- unlock_user();
- #endif
- for (i = ufhs->count; i; i--)
- {
- read_rec(ufl, i, (char *)tuser);
- if (tuser->rn isnt i)
- {
- sprintf(tmp->scr, "User record %u has record # %u\n", i, tuser->rn);
- tuser->rn = i;
- }
- prtx(um[2]);
- prtuser(tuser);
- prtx(um[3]); getcmd();
- if (port->mode & gone) return;
- if (port->opt1 is 'Q') return;
- if (port->opt1 is 'Y')
- {
- tuser->options |= u_delete;
- write_rec(ufl, tuser->rn, (char *)tuser);
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Edit a user record.
- */
- eduser()
- {
- register USER *u;
- pcall(tcall, port->fld[1]);
- if (matchn(tcall, port->user->call, ln_call)) u = port->user;
- else { u = tuser; rduser(tcall, u); }
- while(*port->fld[0] isnt '\0')
- {
- prtuser(u);
- outstr("PRIVILEGE: (D)elete (E)xpert (B)bs (S)ysop e(X)clude h(O)ld\n");
- outstr("DATA: (C)all ss(I)d (N)ame por(T) (P)ath (H)ome (Q)th (Z)ip\n");
- getcmd();
- if (port->mode & gone) return;
- switch(*port->fld[0])
- {
- case 'D' : u->options flipbit u_delete; *port->fld[0] = '\0'; break;
- case 'E' : u->options flipbit u_expert; break;
- case 'B' : u->options flipbit u_bbs; break;
- case 'O' : u->options flipbit u_hold; break;
- case 'S' : u->options flipbit u_sysop; break;
- case 'X' : u->options flipbit u_exclude;break;
- case 'C' : if (*port->fld[1]) pcall(u->call, port->fld[1]); break;
- case 'I' : u->ssid = atoi(port->fld[1]); break;
- case 'N' : if (*port->fld[1])
- {
- u->state setbit u_name;
- ljsf(u->handle, port->line+2, ln_handle);
- }
- break;
- case 'T' : if (*port->fld[1]) u->port = *port->fld[1]; break;
- case 'P' : if (port->fld[1]) strncpy(u->path, port->fld[1], pathl);
- else *u->path = '\0'; break;
- case 'H' : if (*port->fld[1])
- {
- u->state setbit u_home;
- u->state clrbit u_sent;
- pcall(u->home_bbs, port->fld[1]);
- if (matchn(u->home_bbs, cport->user->call, ln_call))
- u->options setbit u_local; else u->options clrbit u_local;
- }
- else
- {
- fill(u->home_bbs, ' ', ln_call);
- u->options clrbit u_local;
- u->state clrbit u_home;
- u->state setbit u_sent;
- }
- break;
- case 'Q' : if (*port->fld[1])
- {
- u->state setbit u_qth;
- remnl(port->line);
- strncpy(u->qth, port->line+2, ln_qth);
- }
- else
- {
- fill(u->qth, '\0', ln_qth);
- u->state clrbit u_qth;
- }
- break;
- case 'Z' : if (*port->fld[1])
- {
- u->state setbit u_zip;
- u->state clrbit u_sent;
- ljsf(u->zip, port->fld[1], ln_zip);
- }
- else
- {
- fill(u->zip, ' ', ln_zip);
- u->state clrbit u_zip;
- u->state setbit u_sent;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- /*
- * If this is a new user, add to the list.
- */
- upduser(u);
- }
- /*
- * Backup the user file.
- */
- untuser()
- {
- register char *rp, *wp, *lp;
- register int uflb;
- register int incnt, inrec;
- if (sure()) return;
- prtx(um[1]);
- lp = tmp->scr + (RECSIZE * (scrmax / RECSIZE));
- upduser(port->user);
- close(ufl);
- unlink(usbfile);
- if (samedir(usfile, usbfile)) rename(usfile, usbfile);
- else copy(usfile, usbfile, false);
- unlink(usfile);
- ufl = open(usfile, O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_BINARY, pmode);
- uflb = open(usbfile, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY);
- incnt = ufhs->count;
- inuhdr();
- inrec = 1;
- while(incnt)
- {
- for (rp = tmp->scr; (rp < lp) and incnt;)
- {
- incnt--;
- read_rec(uflb, inrec++, rp);
- if (!(((USER *)rp)->options & u_delete)) rp += RECSIZE;
- }
- for (wp = tmp->scr; wp < rp; wp += RECSIZE)
- write_rec(ufl, ++ufhs->count, wp);
- }
- write_rec(ufl, 0, (char *)ufhs);
- close (uflb);
- clnuser();
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- /* clobber the index file
- rdusers will recreate it and leave it open
- */
- close(uifl);
- unlink(user_file);
- #endif
- rdusers();
- rduser(port->user->call, port->user);
- }
- /*
- * If all ports are free, Issue the command for all ports to lockup.
- * wait for confirmation and then do the command.
- */
- setunt()
- {
- word pflg;
- long l;
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- if (!(s_flag & s_dv))
- {
- do_op();
- return;
- }
- /*
- * If all windows are free issue the lock command
- */
- getbusy();
- if (b_flag is p_window)
- {
- putcomd ('A', 'H');
- pflg = getp_flag();
- putc_flag (pflg clrbit p_window);
- }
- else
- {
- outstr("Other windows BUSY\n");
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Wait for windows to confirm the lock by looking for a
- * cleared c_flag. Do the command if cleared, otherwise return.
- */
- settmr( &l, 20);
- while (true)
- {
- if (!(chktmr(l)))
- {
- putc_flag(0); break;
- }
- getc_flag();
- if (c_flag is 0)
- {
- do_op();
- break;
- }
- switchw();
- }
- putcomd('\0','\0');
- #else
- if(getbusy()) {
- outstr("Other windows BUSY\n");
- return;
- }
- do_op();
- unbusy();
- #endif
- }
- do_op()
- {
- switch(port->opt2)
- {
- case 'A' :
- case 'R' :
- case 'M' : if (untmsg()) cprs_bid(); break;
- case 'U' : untuser(); break;
- default : ;
- }
- }
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- check_user()
- {
- extern long get_user();
- lock_user();
- if(ufhs->count != get_user())clnuser();
- }
- #endif